Last Wednesday the Hokule’a(Double Hulled Waka) came to Pt England reserve which is very close to our school. The reason they came was to see all of the Manaiakalani Cluster. The Manaiakalani Cluster is all of the schools in GI (Glen Innes). We are called Manaiakalani because its a part from the famous Maori story about Maui. In the story Maui was said to have the hook of heaven and he captured the world and thats what the Manaiakalani Cluster aims for.
When the Hokulea arrived the schools sang a song that Patrick Gemmell made so we could sing to the crew the song was called E Oho which was a welcoming song. I sang as loud as I could because this was a very special moment for our Cluster.
The Hokulea rarely does this for anybody so it was a huge privilege that they did it for us. After we had welcomed them we listened to them speak about how awesome it was to be there and then we sang another song called ‘He Honore’ and then listened to 3 of our Prefects speak and then we all sang ‘Nga Waka’.
At the end we got to shake all of the crews hands it was so cool because they're making history and getting to shake their hand is really really cool. And next time I see them I hope its on tv. Good Luck Hokulea you're doing us proud.
This was really big for our cluster especially for the extension group because we got to do things that most of the other kids didn't get to do. Like we got to meet three schools from Hawaii and we also got to see them at the Maritime Museum and got to hop on their boat called the Hikianalia. It was Fantastic.